What is the best way to conduct a Redundancy Meeting?

Many clients often wonder about the most effective approach to conduct a redundancy meeting. The process of making staff redundant is undeniably a tough and uncomfortable one. However, by following the right procedures and strategies, you can ensure that it is handled appropriately. Minimising the discomfort for all parties involved.

Metis HR are here to help. If you’re contemplating redundancies within your company, get in touch with Alison now. We specialises in guiding businesses through challenging workforce transitions.

Announcing news about organisational change and subsequent redundancies is an emotional process for all parties involved. Unless you work for a huge PLC, most Managers and Directors know all their employees and find redundancies difficult conversations. You have probably worked with your employees for a number of years and maybe even developed a friendship with them so knowing what is the best way to conduct a redundancy meeting is important. With this in mind, here are some tips on how to do what is considered one of the worst roles a manger/director must perform in the workplace.

Prepare for the redundancy meeting

It’s not an easy task to deliver a redundancy notice. If you’re charged with making people redundant, it’s vital you prepare and practice to ensure you correctly deliver the desired information and help the person receive it accurately.

Depending on your personality will depend on how you wish to approach the situation. For instance, most employers think it’s best to deliver bad news at the end of the day when the employee has done their job, but if you are anxious about the difficult conversation, you will be worrying about it all day. If that’s the case, get it done and dusted, first thing in the morning.


People react differently to bad news. Be prepared to answer questions such as: ‘Why me?’, ‘How will I tell my family?’, ‘When will I get paid?’, ‘Who made this decision?’. Try not to get tied up in answering these questions. It’s not open for discussion. Deliver the news and the facts around the redundancy and leave it there.

Allow sufficient time for the redundancy meeting, but keep it relatively simple, brief and to the point. It is important they see that the process has been thorough and has been done for business reasons. However, don’t feel that you need to keep talking and giving a lot of information. Bring all relevant paperwork and any useful information with you. When information of a distressing or stressful nature is given, most individuals hear selectively and might not retain all of the information verbally given, so providing a written version of what has been discussed is useful.


Finally, there is a technique called “own your protective bubble” that you can withdraw into to help you find the confidence and strength to deal with whatever the redundancy news and the employees reaction can throw at you. Here’s some tips to disassociate emotionally from the situation:

  • Don’t take any anger or lashing out as personal abuse to you.
  • Dress differently to how you normally dress. Wear the ‘power suit’.
  • Choose your seat first, make it the one that makes you feel comfortable like facing the door, or being by the door. Etc.

If you decide to do the meetings alone, have a colleague perform interruption for another reason i.e. remind you of a phone call or meeting half an hour after you have taken the employee in to the meeting.

Helpful Hints

Acknowledge any signs of distress with statements such as ‘I appreciate this has come as a shock’ maybe helpful, but avoid telling them you know how they feel. Don’t apologise or blame someone, and do not raise their hopes or possibility of a reprieve.

Remain calm and keep your composure. Do not get drawn into an argument, or debate the decision. If you feel uncomfortable or in danger, stop the meeting and leave the room.

Be visible and answer their concerns where you can, to reassure them that they can approach you with questions.

For advice on Redundancy and how to avoid the pitfalls contact Alison

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