HR Support for Small Businesses

HR Support for Small Businesses is a typical example of where you as a business owner need some help sometimes. HR Support for Small Businessesguru Peter Drucker said ‘Do what you do best and outsource the rest’. Wise man. For most small businesses it makes sense to buy in some services on as ‘as required’ basis and HR is a prime example
If you are looking for HR support for small businesses, in our opinion you need to outsource to a company that will look after your best interests as a business. How can you do this? We have three pointers that may make your choice easier

You want high quality service

Some outsourced HR support for small businesses take a one-size-fits-all approach. We can see it when we take on a new HR client from one of these companies, and can tell you exactly which company it was by looking at the paperwork! Contracts, handbooks, policies, they’re identical, all they’ve done is change the Company name.
A good outsourced company will want to take the time to understand your business and what you want to achieve. You will likely want to satisfy yourself that its consultants are practical and business-driven; that they can respond quickly.

Lack of flexibility

Whilst your HR Support for Small Businesses is likely to be remote, by phone or email, what happens if you have a difficult situation and you want someone who will come to site to support you? If you take a contract with a provider that only offers phone advice, you may be left flying solo to deal with the difficult situation.

Poor quality advice

We are making an assumption that you would like HR advice that is correct, practical and solves the problem? You would like to know what you can do not what you can’t? We see a lot of advice that is indecisive and not always in the employers’ best interest. Over-cautious advice generates more problems than it solves.
Find out whether the consultants have the skills and the approach to meet your needs and that their knowledge is current. How well are they qualified? How do they keep up to date? What practical experience have they had? Test them a bit.

So how can you get it right?

  • Ask your business contacts if they can recommend anyone from their own experience who provides HR Support for Small Businesses
  • Test the HR Consultant. Ask them a question that gets them demonstrating their skill and knowledge
  • A Consultant providing good HR Support for Small Businesses will likely be in demand. Ask them what their client retention rate is.
  • How will you find working with the HR Consultant? Ask them if you can speak to any of their clients.
  • Check out how the HR Support works, what does it include? What does it not include?
  • Establish what the Consultant’s availability like? What is their standard for returning phone calls? What options will you have for reaching them in emergency situations?
  • The qualifications and experience of personnel who are involved in providing you with support are important. What are they?
  • What makes them better than other outsourced HR companies?

Metis HR specialises in providing outsourced HR services to small and medium-sized businesses. Call us now on 01706 565332  or email us to discuss how we may help you.

Question to ask?

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